Artistic Acrobatics

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Artistic Acrobatics Section Entry Form

Please complete in full | 1 Participant per form

    Entry Fee and Box Office Package (required) - CLICK ON THE NEXT LINE TO CHOOSE YOUR OPTION

    Solo Performances: R70 per entry
    Duet Perdormances: R140 per entry
    Trio Performances: R210 per entry
    Quartet Performances: R280 per entry
    Small Group - 5-9 Members: R450 per group
    Medium Group - 10-15 Members: R650 per group
    Large Group - 15-30 Members: R750 per group
    Production Group/Revue - 30+ Members: R850 pre group

    Please use this form for Artistic Acrobatics Entries ONLY | One form per Participant/Group

    Name of Participant (required)

    School Grade of Participant (required)

    Attach list of names and grades if group enters:

    Name of School/Studio (required)

    CONTACT DETAILS (required)

    Cellphone number

    Landline number

    Email address


    Acrobatic Gendre

    Section Number

    Solo (Mark with an X)

    Ensamble (Mark with an X)

    Amount Payable

    Total number of items:

    Total amount (R):

    Method of payment:

    Upload Proof of Payment below.

    Type the characters in the block (required) captcha

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