Entry Fee and Box Office Package (required) - CLICK ON THE NEXT LINE TO CHOOSE YOUR OPTION
No Package (Normal Fees Apply)Primo Avis (Early Bird) Package
Solo Performances: R70 per entry Duet Perdormances: R140 per entry Trio Performances: R210 per entry Quartet Performances: R280 per entry Small Group - 5-9 Members: R450 per group Medium Group - 10-15 Members: R650 per group Large Group - 15-30 Members: R750 per group Production Group/Revue - 30+ Members: R850 pre group
Please use this form for Artistic Acrobatics Entries ONLY | One form per Participant/Group
Name of Participant (required)
School Grade of Participant (required)
Attach list of names and grades if group enters:
Name of School/Studio (required)
Cellphone number
Landline number
Email address
Acrobatic Gendre
Section Number
Solo (Mark with an X)
Ensamble (Mark with an X)
Amount Payable
Total number of items:
Total amount (R):
Method of payment: Internet
Upload Proof of Payment below.
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